We are passionate about improvisation and we developed a unique style of teaching that work for all kind of instrument, crossing boundaries between music genres.
You play saxophone, violin, piano or even harp and you wish to finally get rid of those scores, go jam with your friends and improvise freely some melodies? You tried to learn improvisation with traditional jazz lessons that were too complex and didn't help?
We are ABSOLUTELY sure that you will surprise yourself with our method which is not based on any specific genre but on this big universal language that is called: MUSIC.
When we think about improvisation, we tend to bind it with Jazz music. And that’s legitimate because yes, Jazz’s history and main essence are build on improvisation. But the Truth is that improvisation is much older than the first jazzmen. Even Bach, Chopin and Mozart were great improvisators and they even improvised at their performances. Unfortunately, this freedom in classical music almost disappeared nowadays and that’s why very few know and teach about it.
But improvisation is not meant to be link to any genres, it is part of making actively music, taking initiatives, creative decisions and building bond between strangers. Musical improvisation is just a language that you don’t use only to read old poems but also to express yourself freely and converse with other musicians.

What is improvisation?

Practising music in general requires patience, consistency and discipline, but learning to improvise requires also the willingness to experiment and take initiatives.
Everyone from all ages and levels can benefit from our methods, exercises and concepts that will guide you through this process of unlocking your creative potential. But while they are designed to teach up to professional musicians, they are not recommended for complete beginners who have never plaid an instrument.
Is Improvisation for Anyone?

Although every instrument has its own specific technical characteristic, they all speak the same language which is music. They use the same grammar, vocabulary and articulation. Our improvisation course is not designed to teach how to create a beautiful sound out of an instrument but to liberate our students from playing with scores. And with our modern and unique methods, anyone playing any kind of instrument can reach musical freedom and independency.
For all instruments!
should you learn to improvise?
Well, Firstly it's incredibly fun but also there are many benefits from practising improvisation
Benefits of Improvisation
Be free
Play anything without having to respect composer’s rules. No need of scores to express yourself and enjoy music.
Celebrate life, bring joy to your routine and release your emotions by improvising with other musicians, friends or strangers spontaneously and without rehearsal.
Jam with others
Start to compose
Improvisation is like a spontaneous composition and every composition actually starts with experimenting and improvising ideas.
Remember any
pieces you learnt
Learning improvisation requires an extensive work on understanding melodies and like a language, the better we understand the meaning, the easier we memorise the speech.
Learn better
music theory
Immediately put into practice the theory you have learned which makes it easier to remember it and understand why you need it.
Improve your
listening skills
Some details can be hard to hear without the knowledge to perceive and recognise them. Experience and a better understanding of music improves automatically the listening skills.